Master Corporal Jan Stanislaw Jakobczak Memorial Book Award

(1898-1945 Category)

The U.S. Military History Group is pleased to request nominations for its first book prize, named for Polish-born Jan Stanislaw Jakobczak (1914-2004), an Allied soldier of World War II. Arrested by the Soviets in 1939, Jakobczak spent three years in the Siberian Gulag before his release into General Władysław Anders’ Polish II Corps. After training in Persia and Palestine, Jakobczak and his compatriots fought alongside Allied forces in the Italian Campaign. He received a head wound during the recapture of the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino. After the war, Jakobczak emigrated first to London and later to Chicago, where he became a U.S. citizen. This book award memorializes his odyssey and that of other Allied soldier-refugees who made their homes in the United States.

The USMHG’s 2021 Jakobczak Award will recognize the outstanding book on United States Military History covering any topic, methodology, service, or region within (or substantially involving) the period 1898 to 1945. The winning author(s) will receive a plaque and a monetary prize sponsored by the USMHG.

The 2021 Jakobczak Award Selection Committee is composed of Jörg Muth, Robert Burrell, and David Ulbrich, all authors of award-winning books.

Parameters and Deadlines:

Nominated books must have a publication date of 2021. Please note that neither page nor galley proofs will be accepted. Subsequent editions or paperback re-issues of previously published works are likewise ineligible. No books will be considered for more than one year and for more than one award. The Award Selection Committee will consider works by individual or multiple authors making substantial contributions to U.S. military history. In addition, significant anthologies, memoirs, or reference materials are eligible. Again, the work must deal with U.S. military history between 1898 and 1945. If doubts arise, the committee will have the discretion to accept or reject a submission.

Packages with nominated books must be postmarked by 1 June 2022 and mailed to the Award Selection Committee. To nominate a book, please send an email to Philip Shackleford He is the committee’s new non-voting secretary, who will record the nomination, provide the necessary mailing addresses to authors or presses, and manage the related correspondence. Please keep in mind that the USMHG requires four copies—one for each member of the selection committee, plus Mr. Shackleford. Books submitted will not be returned to authors or presses.


The Award Selection Committee will make its selection by 15 October 2022. The winning author will be notified that same month. Then, the USMHG will announce the 2021 Jakobczak Award-winning book and author via social media. The committee’s decision is final.

Members of the selection committee for 2020 Master Corporal Jan Stanislaw Jakobczak Memorial Book Award (1898-1945):

Dr. Jörg Muth

Robert Burrell

Dr. David Ulbrich

Philip Shackleford (Non-Voting Secretary)